I’m Back…Sort-of


So it’s been a while… I mean I have a book blog at Inspired By Literature but I had a blogging slump and I sort-of quit blogging for a bit. BUT  I realized that I actually miss book blogging so much….and so here I am! (If you’re wondering why I started a new blog, read this.)

This time around, I’ve got a few goals for myself and book blogging in general. One of them is not to stress too much about what everyone else is reading/reviewing/post. Another is not to request so many ARCs and maybe even avoid them for a bit until I can shrink my tbr. And another is not to feel pressured to post all the time because that usually results in me writing up a bad quality post and hitting publish.

I’m still going to be doing book reviews, etc. but I want to post more original content so I’m going to try and do a lot of discussion posts. I will probably be doing some memes, book tags and book hauls as well.

If you have any ideas for blog posts, I’d love to hear them! If you’re a book blogger/bookworm/awesome person, I would love to interact with you on: Twitter, Goodreads and Tumblr.



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4 thoughts on “I’m Back…Sort-of

    1. Thanks! I’m glad to hear that! I wasn’t sure what to make it but I ended up using the covers of my favorite books 😀 I hope you enjoy 🙂


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