Snazzy Snippets | Icecream (sort-of), Pride (not really), and The First Paragraph

snazzy snippets

Snazzy Snippets is any awesome bimonthly link-up for writers. It’s hosted by Emily @ Loony Literate and Alyssa @ The Devil Orders Takeout. It’s a great opportunity to share snippets of your writing (500 words or less).

I was actually organizing all my writing projects last night (in terms of importance and what I want to get done first)…and I was feeling a teeny-tiny bit overwhelmed at the thought of writing every day. I’ve sort-of tried to do that this week but it’s harder than I expected and I feel like I’m running love on creativity (if that makes any sense..)… buuut hopefully this will inspire me to keep plowing on. By the way, all snippets have been taken from TGTBTI, a YA contemporary about suicide and friendship (I might end up changing the plot so I’m trying to stay adaptable.)

A snippet with FOOD in it

Screen Shot 2015-09-12 at 7.52.12 PMI searched long and hard…but with only five chapters finished, I don’t really have a snippet with food so I picked this scene (even though I know the focus isn’t even the icecream) However, I am working on a brand new project – one that I’m even more excited about and it is definitely going to feature food (as evidenced by the pins).

A Snippet You’re Really Proud Of

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To be honest, I’m not really that proud of this scene – I’m pretty sure it needs to be edited but it’s part of the first chapter which I sort-of edited before posting online..So I figured why not! But I don’t think I’ll have any scenes that I’m proud of until I start editing this book.

The First Paragraph From A WIPScreen Shot 2015-09-12 at 8.11.46 PMI would be more nervous about sharing this..but the entire first chapter is already on wattpad and figment. (But I am nervous.. my blog gets way more views than my profiles on those sites probably do!) Also this is more like a couple of paragraphs but since the first scene is less than 500 words, I thought I may as well share the entire scene.

Soo this was fun! Even though I did cringe a bit when I imagined all my blog readers eying my poorly written snippets. (Please keep in mind this is a FIRST DRAFT. I REPEAT: IT IS A FIRST DRAFT.) So what are you guys writing? Have you hit 10K, 20K, or accomplished some of your writing goals?

9 thoughts on “Snazzy Snippets | Icecream (sort-of), Pride (not really), and The First Paragraph

  1. Omg Rachana no these snippets are really good! ❤ Don't talk so negatively about your writing!! 🙂 I understand the nerves though, I feel the same way when I share my writing haha.
    But these snippets really make me want to read your entire book! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ❤ That's so sweet of you! They're very rough but hopefully I'll be able to finish the book by the end of the year and edit them. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ICE CREAM. YES. ALSO COOKIES AND CREAM. I’m partial to caramel but really nothing beats cookies and cream. I love the snippet you’re proud of — it might be rough around the edges but there’s so much raw emotion, and conveyed solely through dialogue! Wonderful job! And Sara’s relationship with the MC sounds really three dimensional and dynamic, and friendship is awfully important in contemporary, so that’s fabulous 😀

    Thanks for linking up with us, Rachana!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank-you! I’m glad you think so 😀 Well I, initially, felt like my characters are very 2D (this was a few months ago) but since then I tried to get to know them better and figure out how they fit together so it’s great to know I was (more-or-less) successful! Thanks for hosting this fabulous link-up Alyssa 🙂


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